Monday 10 October 2011

Mixed Lariat Necklaces

Lariats shown are designed to be extra long (nearly 50 inches) for wearer versatility.Each item is finished off with crystals and can be personalised with numerous different trinkets, including baroque drops and over sized hearts. They can be draped, stacked or simply worn to the navel. Shown here are the Mint Labradorite, Amber, Pink rose quartz and fresh water pearl option. As you can see there are matching bracelets to each piece. Lariats start at £60 depending on your stone choice.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Preview of Autumn/Winter 2011

Welcome to a new season at RoX.

Here are a few preview shots from our latest shoot.
We have taken inspiration from the changing colours of Autumn and have used some evocative semi precious stones, such as Amber , Blue lace Agate and Amazonite.
Our aim is to create jewellery that is beautiful as well as special in meaning and this shows in the stones we have chosen.
Amazonite is believed to bring luck and prosperity to the wearer and is widely known as the "hope stone" originating from the Amazon river initially. It has a beautiful irridecsent quality to it.

Monday 3 October 2011

Labradorite and Cystal bracelet set

Labradorite has an iridescent quality to it and is very striking when mixed with the crystal. Shown above is two sets of bracelets mixed together. They are finished off with our signature angel wings. Crystal bracelets available in sets of 3 (£45) or singularly (£15) and the Labradorite is a set of 4 bracelets priced at £48.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Black and white Crystal ball Sets

These earrings are made entirely out of Austrian crystal. Even the large ball is encrusted in matching crystal.

Prices from £47 per pair.

Friday 30 September 2011

Crystal extended earrings and stacking bracelets

As with most of our bracelets they are made to wear on there own or stacked to produce a cuff. All pieces are finished off with silver angel wings and the Rox signiture stamp.

The earrings in the top image are finished with tiny crystal paved balls which are available in many colours, as are the stacking bracelets.

Amazonite earrings and Crystal Bracelet

Monday 22 February 2010

White Opal Lariat

This delicate piece has influences of white sand beaches, with its beautiful hand cut shells and crystal. The white Opal almost glows when the sun hits it, definitely one of my personal favourites from this collection.

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Honey amber earrings

These simple but very elegant amber earrings have more than twenty individual swarovski crystals on each earring which makes the amber balls look as if they are almost floating.